Thank you all for an incredible outdoor season! We had awesome turn out for all of tournaments, were able to have multiple divisions for coed, men's, and women's doubles league, and continued to have high numbers with quads and sixes leagues. Although we are sad to wrap up with outdoor volleyball, we are pumped for some indoor!
Fall schedules have been posted on the new and improved RVVA website (shout out Nate). Games begin this Sunday, August 27th! Check over you schedules carefully.
We will have one more open gym this Wednesday from 6:00-9:00 at Countryside. Come join us to come tune up your indoor skills after a full summer of outdoor ball. Yay for open hand receive!
Wes will be reaching out to everyone in Men's League about teams shortly!
A few reminders as we begin indoor season:
There are no make ups for indoor games. If you do not have six players, we encourage you to find a sub through the RVVA Players Facebook Group or the Free Agent Board on the RVVA website. If your team is unable to play, it will count as a forfeit, and the other team will receive the 3 wins. If you do have to forfeit, please notify the other team's captain as well as the court supervisor. If you need a sub for playoffs, it must be a player who is of equal or lesser talent, not already on another team in that division, and OK'd by the opposing team.
Ghost Rule. If your team is playing with less than 6 players, the Ghost Rule is in effect. Teams must have at least 4 players to compete in games. (No Ghost Rule for Women's Quads- must have a minimum of 3 players to compete).
Make sure that team captains fill out the roster sheet each game. Players must have played in at least 3 regular season games to be eligible for playoffs.
Report scores in the court binder after each match.
We are continuing to play 3 games to 21 during the regular season. Get to the gym early to get warmed up and try to start play as close to on time as possible. We will have to cut games short if they run over the hour allotment time. Playoff games will be best of 3 games, 3rd game to 15.
We will see you all at Countryside!